[Solved] Combat log advances down the screen

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[Solved] Combat log advances down the screen

Postby MReed » Sun Oct 12, 2014 12:09 am

This is most obvious with very long combat played at the fastest speed when you hold down the spacebar because the opponents can no longer hit you.

Combat log changes position.jpg
Combat log changes position.jpg (152.57 KiB) Viewed 5128 times

If I were you, I'd add logic to the game to detect when it is mathematically impossible for any enemy to hit any member of the player's party with any attack and ask "Do you want to win this combat immediately?"
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Re: Combat log advances down the screen

Postby Menorbriam » Wed Oct 15, 2014 6:45 am

Yes, it happens when there are many messages. We have to fix that issue.
Thanks you very much for the feedback MReed!
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