Matt Chat 275: Lords of Xulima

Discussions & Reports on the English texts of LoX.

Matt Chat 275: Lords of Xulima

Postby Anubis » Mon Jan 19, 2015 10:56 pm

Matt Chat is a weekly YouTube program featuring interviews with noted game developers, artists, musicians, and publishers--specializing in the computer role-playing and adventure game genres. You'll find famous names like Richard "Lord British" Garriott, Chris "MCA" Avellone, and Brian Fargo here, but also hear from lesser known (but far from less talented!) folks whose stories are just as fascinating.

Matt Chat also features in-depth reviews and retrospectives of classic titles like Planescape: Torment and Grim Fandango. The host, Dr. Matt Barton, is an associate professor at Saint Cloud State University in Saint Cloud, Minnesota. He is the author of multiple books on computer and videogame history and teaches courses in writing and technology.

Matt Chat 275: Lords of Xulima - ... Qfe-wNS8oA

We frequently watch some of Matt's interviews with prominent game devs, so it goes without saying that we were very happy when he decided to review Lords of Xulima. Enjoy! :)
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