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[SOLVED] Bug with Armour Skills

PostPosted: Fri May 30, 2014 11:10 pm
by ValadursErbe
The armour skill does not properly increase the total weight limit of the characters, the limit is only influenced by strength. Interestingly, the bug seems to behave different for Gaulen where he gains twice the amount stated in the description. I attached a few screenshots of this (sorry for the bad quality).

Re: Bug with Armour Skills

PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2014 9:07 am
by Menorbriam
Hi ValadursErbe,

Yes. The armor skill modifier is displaying the skill value instead of its bonus, which is 2 x skill value. It is fixed in the new version.

We cannot reproduce the situation in the second screenshot. The maximum weight should be 14+3x2 = 20. Is the problem present even when you reload the game?

Thanks for the feedback!

Re: Bug with Armour Skills

PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2014 10:13 am
by ValadursErbe
Hello Menorbriam,

this bug even persists after shutting down the game and restarting. All 5 custom characters besides Gaulen are affected. I have uploaded my current saved game files for additional help.

Re: Bug with Armour Skills

PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2014 12:11 pm
by Shaylois
Hey Valadurs,

Nice sharp eye you have, good job with finding the bugs, though I'd recommend you collecting some information about the bugs/suggestions, like I do, for few days and then posting it all in one post. :)

Re: Bug with Armour Skills

PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2014 12:39 pm
by Menorbriam
OK We know what is happening and thanks to that we have discovered a much more important bug. It is related to the custom characters. The armor skill is not working and the experience points for level up are different than the default characters.

We are going to release a quick update with these bugs fixed.

Thanks ValadursErbe.

Re: Bug with Armour Skills

PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2014 3:38 pm
by ValadursErbe
@Shaylois: Hi Shaylois, thanks for your input. I prefer to report such things as fast as possible so there is enough time to fix it or think about the suggestions. I won´t open a new thread if, for example, I find again some localization issues. It will be just added to the existing thread to prevent spamming the forums with threads of my own.

@Menorbriam: Wow, that was some quick fixing. Now my characters can equip all their shiny armour.

Unfortunately, now Gaulen does not benefit from the armour skill at all. His weight capacity is just derived from his strength and the skill bonus is not even in the tooltip. I started a new game and checked the custom party, the problem applies to them as well. :(

Re: Bug with Armour Skills

PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2014 4:16 pm
by Menorbriam
Our mistake! The new version was not activated in Steam for the normal players, only for the testers who use a different branch. Now it is activated.
Let LoX to update and try again please. All should be fine now ;)


Re: Bug with Armour Skills

PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2014 10:10 pm
by ValadursErbe
Yes it is working now. Thanks :D