alert on attacks

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alert on attacks

Postby flenser92 » Thu Jan 11, 2018 10:29 pm

I am a new player just figuring the game out. My last few games all of a sudden the zombies are in my base infecting everything. The game needs to get my attention when a structure of mine is getting attacked. Attack music needs to play. The screen needs to turn red. "We are under attack" needs to shouted. Something. Whatever alerts there are now are not getting my attention. It quite disheartening to be 15 20 min into a game and all of a sudden its unwinnable because some zombies snuck in. They knocked down a wall and their was a soldier in a tower and I didn't hear gunfire or screaming or anything. Please find a way to grab my attention when I am under attack!
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Joined: Thu Jan 11, 2018 10:22 pm

Re: alert on attacks

Postby iampnp » Thu Jan 25, 2018 6:20 am

Posting to bring this to the top. All RTS games I have played gave you warning no matter what is going on or where you are looking on your main screen. Your current method is to only alert (sometimes not) when things not on your current view is being attacked. Considering your game is based on having many moving parts going on at once, the situation described above is easily repeated. What happens when a player puts 70 days into a game to have it ruined by a harpy getting lucky and jumping into some open area in the corner of your screen as you are trying to manage zombies knocking down your door on the other side? Take a lesson from the likes of... I dunno, a small game... Starcraft. Probably not what you want to hear but they have a lot of good systems that made RTS what it is today.
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Joined: Thu Jan 25, 2018 6:12 am

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