The New Empire Campaign available for XBOX One and PlayStation 4, and more!


Great news! The Campaign mode of They Are Billions is finally available for consoles for free. To play it just let the game update automatically.

It’s been almost six months of hard work. We know that some players were upset because this mode was not available for consoles at the same time as it did for PC, but it required all that time to port and adapt the game to consoles. Some games are developed at the same time for PCs and consoles because they basically work the same way, but for They Are Billions the interface and handling are drastically different. In addition, it’s been necessary to modify entire systems such as physics and text rendering, so it would work at proper speed on consoles.

We’re very happy with the final result. The game is handled in an agile way and we didn’t have to change any of the content (number of zombies, difficulty …), so that the console version is 100% equal to the PC one. And above all, we are very happy to have contributed to enrich the ecosystem of console games with an RTS as challenging as this one.


Future Development

We believe that They Are Billions is already a fairly round and complete game. With the campaign mode, the survival mode, and the custom levels of the users, TAB offers many hours of play. In fact, according to statistics, each player plays more than 52 hours on average.

And of course, we are looking at how to expand the universe of They Are Billions. We are considering many options. We want to continue improving the editor so that content creators have many more options and can create more complex levels. We’re also considering to extend the original game with a new campaign available as a separate DLC.

However, deeper changes in the game would require a complete new development, which would already be They Are Billions 2. In a new development we could include new factions that can be played in different ways, cooperative multiplayer and versus modes, and a new Survival mode with many more options.

What do you players think? What new features would you like to find in a new They Are Billions?

Looking forward to your feedback.

  • Posted by Julie
  • On December 4, 2019
Tags: game editor, numantian games, the new empire, they are billions


I want Lords of Xulima 2 personally.
    They are billions was ok... a good 7/10 game, but Lords of Xulima was phenomenal. If you start work on that, I'll be the first to buy the super enhanced all included deluxe edition, because I know the game will be worth it. Still love that game to pieces.
I would love to see a more locked down traditional style RTS campaign, with story telling / cutscenes the corner stone - then a TAB 2! I think you have a very loyal fanbase and you sate our appitites for a few years with another campaign while you re-develop the engine to cope with all those extras. TAB 2 would hopefully be everything we could want for an RTS but you deserve the time to be able to do so (... but maybe not as long as star citizen please!)
Hi, I played they are billions hundreds of hours on steam and would like to share my feedback. I personally am a great fan of the survival mode (the campaign played for me like an extended tutorial were you unlock more and more buildings/ units to learn the game, which is totally fine but the survival is the core game for me and i believe a big part of the community too). I would welcome any dlc that adds more maps / units (7 units is very low in my opinion) or a higher difficulty setting. I would be willing to pay from 10-30$ depending on the amount of content. Would be very hyped for they are billions 2 but i think you can still make very good and fresh content for they are billions 1 without having to implement deeper changes and start developing a whole new game. Wish you guys all the best.
Hey there. They Are Billions is an incredible 'Turtle' style RTS. Got a good 230hrs on this and I know a quite a bit about game design as well, so id like to make some suggestions. A new expansion style DLC would be very acceptable nowadays, and RTS fans almost expect something more like that kind of thing. Campaign + new units, maybe some new tech for walls and some special upgrades to buildings, like turn the engineering center into an undead science cyborg center for a couple new units, etc. The archer and commando could use a variant, maybe one moves slower with a crossbow and shield. Melee sword and shield guy perhaps! An air balloon would be a killer way of scouting. Factions are definitely a sequel thing. I imagine factions using zombies against eachother somehow. Sound perhaps? Maybe creating mutants to hold onto power. Corruption is an amazing story idea that can go anywhere! Maybe a gravitating tech tree in game could become a thing for TAB2, where things go into drone/cyborg land with steel walls and bolt throwers. A survival map already can take hours, might as well allow the community to research and take advantage of the unique situation they are in. So each colony has its own tech in its own way. This way the exciting upgrades of the campaign can create the ultimate survival experience. A way to get multiplayer to make sense would be two allied forces finding they are within distance to travel to one another and help. I did want to mention some improvements that could be made: - Pathing cracks me up sometimes as I see soldiers running into walls then noticing they cannot go there. This is a really hard system to program right, so I understand the frustration! Its not bad though! I can get them to go where I want, even if they look drunk. - I love the humor in this game. Please add more in upcoming releases! - Please look at the game Warzone 2100. The ultimate Turtle style RTS. Warzone has an amazing tech tree and almost infinite ways of tackling issues. I found this in 99' and I could not play normal RTS ever again with this amazing freedom. I think you might find some inspiring concepts which may help your new dlc and future releases. WZ was truly ahead of its time and I felt a lot of WZ's strategy work in TAB. Please make a switch port. I am totally fine with 720p portable TAB. Just please allow zooming and a font thats at least SKYRIM sized (Skyrim's in game font should be the minimum industry standard for switch due to the lite screen size! its perfect.). Thank you again for making such an amazingly fun game. I will be supporting whatever you choose to do with the future of this game.
    I love your ideas and i really wish they be implemented on second one or as DLC!
co-op multiplayer would be cool!
So pleased with campaign on ps4. I enjoyed survival i enjoy even more now. More units would be fab. Particularity vehicular ones.. Love how the controls have been tweaked. Much easier to use on joypad - well done! I forgot how much I enjoyed games like this!
I'm just glad to hear from you all again. Thanks for keeping us updated!
Hello, I'm still waiting an update for EA Origin Version, still 1.0.5 Llevo meses sin jugar porque el juego tiene errores que se solucionan en parches más nuevos que la versión de Steam sí incluye, vamos chicos por favor, dadle amor a la versión de Origin también! Sobre consejos, seguro que ya habréis leído que las mayores quejas son sobre la campaña donde falta variedad y balanceo y las misiones de héroe se hacen aburridas porque falta profundidad en el uso de los héroes.
Hey Guys, Great job with the game already, its a complete game without a question now :) For the future, I do like the idea of versus mode (one player defends and another throws zombie waves at them). A survival mode with many more options. Maybe a mode that adapts to the player and modifiers to have to make the game either as crazy or as serious as the player wants. More campaign would be good, but extra modes including multi-player would be a god send! If I had REAL Money, I would happily drop a million dollars just to see these things happen! - JAMES
Love the game!! keep the good work ! im excited to see the future update
You do realize asking people what they think they want is not the best way of delivering what they actually want, right? Non-the-less, my 2 cents are that campaign removes the most of the fun of the "tech vs units vs economy" balancing act (due to restricted tech tree). So add variety with more complexity, units, techs, zombies and not extra story.
Precise Lee
campaign locks up after completing the first 4 missions. you are asked to go back to the emperor. The screen freezes and will not load the cut scene. This is happening on xbox one for me. I have tried to restart and reinstall. Nothing corrects problem
I personally would love if you made a map editor for the console edition of they are billions or allow for mods like final alert 2 did for Red alert 2 and warcraft 3 map editor did for wc3 Custom. Campaigns would be cool for the community to make and it would increase hype for they are billions 2 which I also hope hits next gen consoles and pc as well. Also a port to switch would be amazing though I do understand the processing and power considerations about that.
My game freezes after being summoned to the throne room on Xbox, tried multiple things and restarted, keeps happening. Please fix ):
Love the campaign but game keeps freezing after being summoned to the throne room. For Xbox One. Please fix
Thank you for bringing the campaign to consoles, it's been so much fun to play. I love this game, it's probably my favorite game of all time. That is why I'm really interested in creating new maps and playing new content. Will you bring over the map editor and/or custom maps to consoles? Even if you offered multiple challenges of the week or new more in depth challenges. I would pay for all of these items. Please try and provide any info you can about this. Thank you!
I personally would love if you made port of They Are Billions on Nintendo Switch it will be incredible to play this game wherever I want.
    I also would really love that But i doubt its possible from a technical point as this game ask for a lot of memory!
Late to the commenting, but I have to say, I really enjoy the game. It's a ton of fun to play, with dozens of hours already in the game. I'm no expert, but I do enjoy. If I had any suggestions/requests, it would be three things: the constantly-mentioned multiplayer, which would likely be a TAB 2 item; more units, as stated above (balloons would be awesome, or some more mech/walker/tank equivalents for the late game? I can say I love steampunk armor-type units, so it'd be fun to see more of those); lastly would be mod support. Making maps is awesome, but allowing players and content creators to add in their own units/buildings/changes could add a lot of extra life to the game. I know I play games that allow mods (such as Rimworld, Empire at War, Stellaris, etc.) a lot more than games without mods. Regardless, the game is fun, and I'll gladly keep an eye out for DLC or a sequel!!
Hello. Here is my two cents from the perspective of a person who played 600 hours on steam version and now got my hand on xbox one version and loving it! Playing with a gamepad for totaly different experience. Once you know the control it work like a charm from the confort of your couch. I would love of course dlc for TAB1 but also i really hope for the 2 to happen! - I would love the "permenant" persistant hero be added to the map in normal "rts mode" so we can play using him or her and the unlocked skill tree to contribute as a super unit in the game, not just as "exploration" map. A playable unit with acid or plasma weapons such as acid grenade and acid gun that lay puddle of acid for zombies. How about villainous human enemies and factions to add different style of gameplay and defense. I Love They are Billions!. One of my all time favorite RTS game. Looking forward for update or dlc. I would more then gladly pay for more about TAB. I would even buy Tshirt and Cap if available!
I very much enjoyed the game, but felt like the campaign ran out of steam about 2/3rds through because the core unit dynamics did too. I was hoping for some real artillery, which Thanos was not quite, to go with the radar and see massive shells blow holes into the incoming zombie waves. The mech was a lot like a compacted, improved clump of soldiers, and the mutant (upgraded Lucifer) was strong but a poor fit for a turtle defense. Microing mutants in and out of position for self-regen is a thing, but not fun and not worth putting a gate near the kill zone. After that 2/3rds point, game advancement was just about improving speed of development and building additional layers of attrition mitigation from old tools. Which was a shame.
    To fill out a few other thoughts along the above: Annihilator turret was a disappointment because, again, not artillery, and by the time I got it, it didn't seem to be particularly potent against the zombie waves. Its saving grace was the long range and not costing additional food like troops do. Spike traps/barb wire just never seemed like they were worth it. Because those traps run out of health way, way before the zombie waves do, needed to be rebuilt between waves costing more resources, and are bound to energy grid range, I felt like I was always better off building something else, like a real wall.
Here are 4 QoL improvements that I think would be game changers: 1) Hotkey for units to enter the nearest tower 2) A "fast-forward" button for swarms 3) A "load-out" screen for hero missions (choose to bring soldiers/snipers/lucifers/grenades/medkits/etc) 4) A "highlight" button that makes empire/research points visible on the hero missions Thanks
I love TAB 2 and love the direction you are taking it, can't wait to see more releases for it.

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