They Are Billions Update: Are You Ready? Only One Day To Go Until The New Empire!
During this time, and thanks to all your support, we have improved TAB in many aspects while developing the Campaign mode almost in secret. It will finally be released tomorrow and, as promised, it will be included for free for all existing TAB players.
TAB will be a fully finished game so it will leave the Early Access stage. Of course, we will continue to work on improving TAB, especially the Survival mode and the Editor, but all of that will some time later, first the priority is the campaign launch.
We wanted to share with you some details for all of you who have been eagerly waiting, as we know that nobody is going to read anything of tomorrow’s announcement and will jump directly into playing the Campaign
New DLC Soundtrack & Artbook
Along with the Campaign we will also launch a DLC that will contain the 22 themes of TAB soundtrack at the highest quality, and the digital book “The Art of They Are Billions”, for those of you curious about the sketches and illustrations of the most important elements of the game.
What time will it be released?
We will activate it between 9 and 10 AM Pacific Time. As there are many steps involved in publishing the new page (the DLC Soundtrack & Artbook, the announcement and so on), we do not know exactly what time it will be, but it will be in that range.
Bugs and issues
The V.1.0 is the most stable, lots of issues have been solved and the performance is much better than in the old version. Also it has countless of improvements in all fronts.
Although we have tested the campaign to the fullest, we will be ready to quickly fix any bugs or solve any problem after the launch.
As you know, in this section of the forum you can report any issues you have with the game. Please, be patient, we promise to solve everything as fast as possible, as we have always done.
Streamers! Please, don’t use the Flat Mode unless you really need to.
The Flat Mode is designed to help you when building and some element of the scenario impedes your vision. The Flat Mode is really ugly (compare the following images), and it’s a shame that after working so hard to create this awesome scenarios, especially for the campaign mode, the game ends up showing up in videos in this way. Streamers, your audience will enjoy your videos much more if you play the game as it is.
Thank you very much in advance!
Campaign Difficulty
By default the Campaign is played in Challenging mode. At any time you can change the difficulty of the game from the campaign Dashboard. The difficulty level only impacts the final victory points. We recommend playing the game in Challenging mode and if you find it very hard drop it down little by little. Pro-players who are used to playing in Brutal or Nightmare in Survival mode, can also start the campaign at those levels. But we warn you, it will not be easy! We hope that everyone, in one way or another, can reach the end of the game.
The last scenario: “The Goddess of Destiny” is really an epic experience, do not miss it!
Enjoy the Campaign and… no spoilers!
The Campaign is full of amazing details and surprises, especially in the tactical missions. We recommend playing it without watching videos or knowing anything in advance. Enjoy playing in your own style, take your time to explore and experience everything.
The best strategies are those that you discover yourself!
- Posted by Julie
- On June 18, 2019