Lords of Xulima is on Kickstarter NOW!

From Numantian Games we are pleased to announce that:

The Lords of Xulima Kickstarter campaign is now live!

Lords of Xulima in Kickstarter

As you know, we launched our IndieGoGo campaign in order to improve Lords of Xulima. We had 14 goals to make major improvements that included new languages, an original soundtrack, new content including new regions and classes and many artistic improvements for Lords of Xulima. Thanks to all of the contributors on IndieGoGo, we were able to reach our first goal which will enable us to include new hand-drawn portraits for all of the heroes and more than 60 NPCs, as well as implement a new hard-core mode that will delight those looking for a real challenge.

With the launch of our Kickstarter campaign we want to continue on to the next goals, so that when it’s launched, Lords of Xulima will be the best game possible. We hope we can count on your support.

How many of the goals will we achieve? Soon we’ll know!


  • Posted by Menorbriam [Numantian Games]
  • On October 29, 2013
Tags: lords of xulima, numantian games


It's great that you are on KS and I wish you all the best. But if I can comment - I think paying real money to get an ingame item that makes the game easier is a bad practice that is not in accordance with being a classic RPG.
    I agree with you. The devs put a lot of effort into tweaking the challenge of the game though, so I think the talisman will be balanced. We are just too used to cheap DLC cashgrabs =P
Menorbriam [Numantian Games]
@Borsook: Of course, selling in-game items is not our intention at all. We like full games, not partial games with lots of DLCs and merchandisings. The Talisman of Golot has been created as a exclusive reward for our backers. The Talisman won't unbalance the game in any case, it is only a small help. Also, the Talisman sometimes and randomly whispers some words, very subtle and sometimes cryptic, but they are like small revelations about the past and future of Xulima. It will be a nice companion in the adventure even when its power is exhausted.

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